Saturday, May 30, 2020

Early Morning Chores

Saturday, May 30, 2020
Sunny and 72* at 10:30 a.m.

It's finally starting to warm up and quick! Garden chores are best done in the early morning and late afternoon. Herbs are said to taste best when harvested in the early morning. 

This morning started for me, like most mornings. I wake up with the sun, about 6 a.m. I head out to feed the chickens and let them out of the roost. I then fill my birdfeeder for the wildbirds and check the hummingbird feeder. Then it's time to feed the cats. 

Last night I started a loaf of sourdough in the bread machine. All that was left to do this morning was turn it on. By 8:45 we had fresh bread.

We ate breakfast. Jared replaced the igniter on our Frigidaire gas oven -- it went out when I was baking my last loaf of bread in the oven, last weekend.

Then we walked down to the mailbox to mail one of Laney's thank you cards -- she graduated this year and has received a lot of encouragement and support from friends and family.

Then we took kitchen scraps to the compost pile and made our way to the garden. I needed to plant some dill, do a little weeding and just do a daily inspection of my plants. 

Two of my tomato plants are setting blooms. My 'Big Boy' is nice and healthy but no blooms yet. 

When we planted the dill, I had a few seeds left in my original packet and then a whole stationary envelope full from plants I harvested from in the past. Jared suggested taking my remaining harvested seeds and placing them in the nice ziplock foil lined package the originals came in. That's a great idea! 

I'll confess, in years past I am terrible about timing my cilantro and dill for when I need them for canning. Hopefully, I waited long enough this time so that my dill will be mature and ready when the cucumbers are coming off the vine. 

I had plans to cut my herbs this morning but it was already super hot and late in the morning by the time we made it out there. I'll try and get that done tomorrow, as well as harvesting some spinach.

Until next time,


  1. Hello Becky. I thoroughly enjoyed catching a glimpse into your early morning routine at Chigger Haven. Thank you!

  2. Hello! I'm so glad you could stop by 😊
