Thursday, September 24, 2020

Birthdays and Waste Not Want Not

Twenty-one years ago today, I became a mom. My oldest graced us with his presence at 1:49 a.m. on a Friday morning. He was 3 days late and I had to be enduced. The most memorable part of his delivery was that I had several nurses and  my mother-in-law gathered around encouraging me to push; then all at once they yelled for me to STOP! Apparently the cord had wrapped around Patrick's throat and he couldn't breathe. They eventually got it unwrapped and the rest of the delivery went smoothly.

 These past two decades have really flown by. He is officially an adult in every capacity and we are very proud of him. 

Patrick is my 'old soul' and in many ways a lot like me. He loves food, the outdoors and isn't afraid to work hard or get dirty. He's a lot more adventurous than I am. And is usually liked by everyone who knows him.

On the topic of food... I'm always trying to find ways to use leftovers or small pieces of food here and there mixed in with other recipes, rather than toss them out. Sometimes it works and no one is the wiser.  Some times I think the end result is just fine, even tasty,  but it's visible and the rest of the family never lets me forget it (Shredded carrots in the spaghetti -- the horror!). I still maintain that sauce was perfect!

Well this morning, I needed to make something from the 3 overripe bananas and as I mentioned the other day, I keep sourdough starter, so why not sourdough banana muffins. I had made sourdough banana bread several times already and wanted something a little different and it was morning so muffins it was. 

I gathered my ingredients and found a recipe to use as a guide. I noticed it called for chocolate chips. I didn't have any chocolate chips but I did have two Sargento Sweet Balanced Breaks that my youngest just had to have and later declared she didn't like. This happens far more often than I care to admit.

Also, she had an apple with her breakfast and couldn't finish off the last few slices. So I diced those apple slices up and threw them in the batter with the chocolate chunks and cranberries from the snack pack and we were in business. I call them my 'Everything Muffins'

I've already had two. They're delicious.
Now to see what the rest of the family says. Patrick should be in this weekend to weigh in with his opinion. 

Here's my recipe:

180 g All-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 sea salt (iodized salt hinders sourdough).
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 c butter; softened 
1/4 c sugar
3 overripe bananas
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
227 g sourdough starter

*1 cup extras (optional) 

Mix dry ingredients
In separate bowl cream butter and sugar, then add eggs, vanilla and sourdough starter. Add dry ingredients mix just until everything comes together. Fold in extras* 

Spoon into greased muffin tins. 

Bake in 350 degree oven for 25-30 minutes. 

Until next time,

P.S. We celebrated the boy's birthday Saturday, September, 26 by going out to a new restaurant in town, Big Whiskey. He ordered two beers to go with his steak and I gave him my Southern Peach cocktail that I couldn't drink for fear of a bladder flare. 

Then we came home and he enjoyed a few Rolling Rock beers and a few Snake bite shots (these were his Dad's favorite drinks). A snake bit consists of Yukon Jack and Rose's lime syrup. 

Then I had him fix my tractor 😁 It's been shorting out and he found the problem! Even while being slightly intoxicated. He also brought his extra diploma for us to hold on to. NWTI lost his first one and reordered a new one, then found the old one. So, one for him and one for us. 

Later he had some German chocolate cake with ice cream. Then we delivered him to his friends house in town were he continued his celebration without us. 

I sure do miss him but really enjoy the few visits we have. They're never quite long enough.

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